Tech 2Slides and videos | Updated |
Slides and Videos | Links to exercises and assigments |
How to handle packages and .jar files |
Slides from the book
Chapter 1 Description/Subjects | Links |
What is the internet.Father of Internet | |
Nuts and bolts in the internet | |
How does the internet works |
Network edge, packets and routing. Father of Internet | Packets routers and that stuff |
Network core and packets | |
Internet all explained | |
Chapter 2 Description/Subjects | |
Simple Http and Html explained | YouTube Http Explained |
SOA-Architecture | YouTube SOA-Architecture |
DNS Principles, the easy explanation | YouTube DNS Principles |
BitTorrent principle explained | YouTube BitTorrent Principles |
Socket Java Tutorials
Description/Subjects | Tutorials | Exercises |
Theoretical Socekt Concepts |
Introduction 0 Socket Concepts | Download Java Netbeans |
Set up of socket connection |
Client-Server communication with streams |
Introduction 3 Socket Communication | |
Introduction 4 Socket & Threads |
Web Service Java Tutorials
Description/Subjects | Tutorials | Exercises |
Theoretical Web Service Concepts |
Introduction 0 Web Service Concepts | Download Java Netbeans |
Set up of Web service consumer |
Set up of local Web service provider |
Web Service Calculator | |
Set up of Web service consumer |
Web Service Calculator | |
Catching SOAP exceptions |
Introduction 4 Web Service Exception Handling |
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